
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Take 5

I know I've been absent from the blog world. I've had a LOT going on lately...

  1. While we were in the Pacific Northwest, our camera broke :( We didn't even have a chance to get photos of the wedding we were there for!
  2. We've been undergoing a database conversion at work... it's a lot of work! My mind has been wrapped around this new program and it's been draining. 
  3. Got the new iPhone! I'm finally caught up with the rest of mobile technology #nomoreblackberrys...ever!
  4. My boss was going to be out of the office for some time to take care of some things which meant there was going to be a lot of prep work for me to do. 
  5. My boss passed away while he was gone. It's been a big loss for us at the office. We've been emotionally challenged each day.
  6. The friendboy's birthday was a couple of months ago! We celebrated with a Justin Bieber cake, friends from near and far, and TACOS!
  7. Went to the Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch with our friends and their kiddos. We had a blast picking fresh vegetables and pumpkins! 
  8. My Birthday was a month ago! We had some delicious dinner and delicious cake(s)... I had waaay too many cakes!

This is just a small random list of the things that have been going on...  I haven't disappeared. I promise. I've just been mentally and emotionally tied up :(

Here are a couple of photos I've managed to snatch up with my nifty phone camera. DSLR still needs to go in for repair :(

Got myself a new iPad Mini! It's been nice for travel! Of course I got myself a den.m bar iPad mini sleeve! :)

To come... my final review of my jeans!! Yes, I finally got them!